How to Massage the Flat of the Foot

How to Massage the Flat of the Foot

A foot massage is a great way to relieve tension and stress. Nothing is better than coming home from a long day of work and getting pampered with a really great foot massage. It can make your worries melt away.


Start by facing the foot. Begin pressing your thumbs in close together beneath the base of the heel.


Continue to push down in a straight line down the flat of the foot.


Go up the flat of the foot with your thumbs separated at a slow steady pace. Your thumbs should be following the outside edges of the foot.


Bring your thumbs together at the base of the heal and move down the heal again, applying gentle even pressure as you move down the flat of the foot.


Separate your thumbs and go up the flat of the foot one more time. You can repeat these steps as many times as necessary.

Tips & Warnings

Support the top of the foot with your fingers. This will help you to apply even pressure to the bottom of the foot and protect the foot from unnecessary strain.

As you apply pressure do so gently. The pressure should not cause pain, but help to bring relief to the foot.

Take your time and move slowly down the foot. As you apply pressure slowly for longer periods of time it makes the massage more effective.

You can sit down with this massage. Apply pressure with the thumbs, and not the whole body.